Reasons You Need to Schedule for Vein Screening

You know those bulged, twisted veins on your lower leg are unattractive, but did you know they may indicate a serious, underlying vein condition? For this reason, vascular specialists recommend Weston vein evaluations for individuals with varicose veins. It is a necessary tool that lets your physician know if you have any underlying issues that need to be addressed in your treatment program. If you have varicose veins, here are other reasons to take time for a vein screening.

Vein assessment is non-invasive and painless.

Vein screening is performed using ultrasound, a non-invasive imaging test that allows your physician to see and record blood flow inside your veins. The screening typically includes an evaluation of your medical history, a visual examination of your veins, and a Doppler assessment of the abnormal veins. None of these tests require anesthesia incisions or even preparation. Vein screening is an easy and necessary part of the vein treatment process.

The assessment usually takes about 30 minutes or less to complete and offers ample information about the cause of your varicose veins.

Identify the cause of varicose veins.

Venous veins are often a result of venous insufficiency or venous reflux. Usually, the valves inside your veins open to allow blood flow and close to prevent blood from flowing back. But when these small valves become damaged, blood can reflux into the vessel, causing the vein to enlarge and weaken. The result is often enlarged, twisted veins close to the skin surface, along with uncomfortable symptoms such as pain, swelling, and aching of the leg and foot.

An ultrasound exam allows your physician to pinpoint the precise cause of your varicose veins and even identify the damaged valves and the degree to which they affect your blood flow. All this can be valuable information in determining the best treatment for your specific needs. It also lets your physician know if your condition could be causing other problems, such as blood clots and skin and tissue damage.

Rule out the risk of a blood clot

Varicose veins and blood clots do not always occur simultaneously, but there is a slightly higher risk of one if you have the other. During vein screening, your healthcare provider can detect blood clot formation in superficial veins and underlying vessels. Thrombophlebitis is whereby blood clots form in superficial veins; this condition can become painful over time. Fortunately, thrombophlebitis treatment is straightforward and effective.

Avoid complications of untreated varicose veins.

Many people with varicose veins seek treatment because of their unsightly appearance. However, many people may not know that varicose veins predispose an individual to certain medical problems if left untreated. For instance, people with varicose veins are highly susceptible to skin changes, leg ulcers, and deep vein thrombosis; any of these can lead to significant medical issues which may be difficult to manage. For example, if you have deep vein thrombosis, the blood clot can break free and lodge in the lungs. But with vein screening, you can receive treatment before such complications occur.

If you have symptoms of vascular problems, book an appointment with your specialist at Soffer Health Institute for vein evaluation.

River Scott

Emmett River Scott: Emmett, a culture journalist, writes about arts and entertainment, pop culture trends, and celebrity news.