Vital Facts About Varicose Veins

A varicose vein occurs when the blood flow through a vein is obstructed. The obstruction may be due to a buildup of fatty tissue in the vein wall, which causes it to become thicker and less elastic. This can lead to excessive pressure in the vein, which increases the risk of developing a blood clot. This condition usually develops on the lower extremities but can also affect other parts of the body. It’s most common among older adults who have been active their entire lives and are now experiencing pain or swelling in their legs, especially after sitting for long periods. If you have varicose veins, Atur Kasha DO can help.

Meanwhile, let’s look at the causes and symptoms of varicose veins.

Varicose veins symptoms

  •         Achy legs
  •         Skin discoloration (several shades darker than your normal skin color)
  •         Tingling or burning sensation in the legs
  •         Swelling (redness) in the ankles or legs
  •         Soreness or stiffness in the ankles or legs
  •         Cramping in the calves, feet, or thighs
  •         Tiredness and fatigue

What are the causes of varicose veins?

Weak vein walls

Varicose veins result from weak walls in a vein that allows the blood to pool in the legs. The condition is caused by changes in the shape of your veins, usually due to aging or pregnancy, although it can also occur due to certain medical conditions.

The condition can be severe and may require surgery to improve its severity. In some cases, varicose veins can cause bleeding and pain during activities such as standing or walking.

Obesity and a sedentary lifestyle

Overweight people are more likely to develop varicose veins because their extra weight puts pressure on their legs and increases the load on their veins. A sedentary lifestyle can also contribute to varicose veins by putting strain on affected blood vessels.


Aging is the most common cause of varicose veins. The skin becomes less elastic and unable to support the vein wall as it loses collagen and elastin, fibers that help give the skin its elasticity. This means that varicose veins can develop more easily over time, making them harder to treat.

How to treat varicose veins

There are several options for treating varicose veins. If you have mild varicose veins, you may want to try a low-impact exercise program that helps strengthen your muscles to support your veins better. Talk to your doctor about taking medications such as ACE inhibitors or beta-blockers, which can help reduce blood pressure and lower the risk of developing varicose veins in the first place.

Some patients choose surgery to treat their varicose veins because it offers faster relief from symptoms than medication alone. Surgery may be recommended if more than 50 percent of your leg’s surface area has varicose veins, if there are complications from varicosis-a bacterial infection, or if there are other medical conditions involving blood vessels that might increase risk.

Varicose veins result from a weakened and stretched inner layer of the vein. They are caused by high blood pressure, pregnancy, and other health conditions. Varicose veins can be treated by seeing your doctor or nurse practitioner. Get a diagnosis and treatment plan that will help you feel better today and in the future. Desert West Vein & Surgery Center can help people with varicose veins. Reach out today.

River Scott

Emmett River Scott: Emmett, a culture journalist, writes about arts and entertainment, pop culture trends, and celebrity news.