What to Anticipate After Joint Replacement Surgery

Arthroplasty, commonly known as joint replacement, is a surgical procedure that replaces your damaged joint with an artificial joint (made of plastic, ceramic, or metal). Depending on the operation, you can go home the same day, or you may require to stay at the hospital for a day or two. You should discuss rehabilitation plans with your Mitchell Hip and Knee physician. Also, you will need to arrange for someone to drive you home and assistance walking about or doing duties like washing or showering. The first several days after your procedure, you should do the following:

  1. Follow your physical therapy and home exercise regimen exactly as directed: It is critical to follow the recommendations provided by your physician. They will not only aid in your recovery to restore function but will also protect the new joint.
  2. Avoid various physical activities: Take your time recovering after surgery. Your doctor may advise you to apply ice or a cold compress to the new joint for around 20 minutes at a time.
  3. Elevate: Based on the joint you had replaced, your physician may advise you to keep it elevated when you rest. For instance, if you have a knee replacement rest your foot on a stool or chair rather than the floor.
  4. Take pain relievers: Your doctor may advise using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs) or prescription pain relievers. When using pain medication, always follow your doctor’s directions. You may also require medication to minimize swelling or avoid blood clots.
  5. Keep the incisions clean and covered: Carefully follow your specialist’s incision care recommendations. After your treatment, ask your physician when you can remove the dressing, wash, or bathe.

An overview of joint replacement surgeries

Arthroplasty is the surgical replacement of your joint, in which the healthcare practitioner will replace a damaged joint with an artificial one during the surgery. Various disorders can result in joint discomfort and dysfunction, prompting individuals to seek joint replacement surgery.

Joint pain is frequently caused by damage to the cartilage that lines the ends of your bones (articular cartilage), which arthritis, a fracture, or another ailment might cause. If nonsurgical therapies such as drugs, physical therapy, and lifestyle changes do not alleviate your pain and incapacity, your doctor may recommend joint replacement surgery.

The advantages of arthroplasty (joint replacement)

Joint replacement surgery can let you move about without discomfort or stiffness. Many people can resume activities they formerly liked after having a joint replacement. These operations enhance people’s quality of life and general health by allowing them to maintain an active lifestyle.

Arthroplasty can help those with joint discomfort and stiffness return to the activities they enjoy. Many regain mobility and lead a more active lifestyle after a joint replacement. However, every person recovers differently, and you may require to make adjustments to your activities to protect the new joint.

Before surgery, have an open discussion with your provider about what to expect after the procedure. It’s critical to have realistic expectations. For the greatest outcomes, stick to a PT program and follow your specialist’s instructions during recovery. Call Mitchell Hip and Knee to find out whether you are the ideal candidate for joint replacement surgery.

River Scott

Emmett River Scott: Emmett, a culture journalist, writes about arts and entertainment, pop culture trends, and celebrity news.